18 May

Watch List For Thursday May 18, 2011


Again, my goal is to keep this list light and accurate. Premarket trades pop up all morning with my EquityFeed scan so like yesterday, don’t be surprised if I find something better and send it out by text and email.

PAL was upgraded this morning from underperform to neutral… I happen to think this company will bounce soon. Keep it on watch because there will probably be a good trading opportunity here for us soon.

AGEN had news last night and the stock is trading a bit in the premarket. Possible trade between the current price and resistance at $1.15. Market cap is $113m so it can certainly move, just not sure that news will bring in a lot of buyers.

Little bit pricey but the market cap fits, MOBI could have another bullish day with futures up right now and a boat load of shorts probably still in this stock. Add momentum buyers and we could see at $1.00 plus move again today.

LOCM is obviously in my bag right now, but I think it could be setting up to run between today and tomorrow so it could be a 2 day turn for anyone not in. Fluff news again this morning but yesterday it jumped 7% and my hope is shorts trip over each other between now and close Friday. Goal is the $3.70-$4.00 today or tomorrow depending on how bullish it looks.

Also keep an eye on CLNO at $.22, I picked up shares into the close yesterday but didn’t have time to send out an alert. Goal is to sell for 10% before $.27 resistance. The increase in volume and information on www.stockreads.com leads me to believe it could move this week.


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