13 Apr

Wednesday April 13, 2011


Well, I didn’t play on trading yesterday after selling GFRE but like I’ve always said, there are opportunities in the market every day so why not make money.

First, I flipped INVE on yesterday’s late day dip picking up 5k shares at $5.05 and selling between $5.15 and $5.29 for about $1k in profit. This is the type of trade that will go out in chat once I have that loaded, but it’s not suitable for email and text due the nature of the trade which took me about 5 minutes to make. So when you see it in Profit.ly, you know what it is.

Bought 10k shares of JBII after that at $2.00 on a technical breakout into close yesterday and alerted you immediately. Looking for $2.30 – $2.50 early on as my target but will play this one by ear based on previous price action. Small market cap so it can fly if it gets some big buyers show up to the table. Click here to view this morning’s video chart.

Also bought 2,322 shares of KEYN at $19.96 on a breakout heading into the April 26th financial results. I’d be happy with $20.50-$21 on this one but expect it could be $21-23 here soon prior to the fins. I’m not sure when I’ll sell but am positive it’ll be sooner versus later.

Still sitting on my 30k shares bid buy of SHMX at $.255 from the other day and I’ll look to sell into any swing momentum just like I did on CHTL. Goal would be $.30 on this one.

ESYL is what I believe to be the next big promo, although I have yet to find a massive disclaimer like I found on LEXG ($3.5 million budget). Just the same, it’s trading very much like LEXG did early on and has the liquidity to support my 10k share gamble at $1.16. Short term goal of 20% if it continues to trade in this pattern.

Still riding 7k shares of CDXC at $1.60, no updates there.

I’ll drop my 5k shares of JOEZ today probably, this was not an alert but a Jason gamble gone wrong lol.

Once LOCM finds support and starts back up I’ll add 5k shares to my 5k position at $4.30. This is not like GFRE for me, I think the company will be heading back into the $5.00 range soon. I’ll keep you updated once I determine support.


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