Odyssey Marine Exploration (NASDAQ:OMEX) engages in the exploration and recovery of deep-ocean...
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3 Hot Stocks; Watch List For Monday October 17, 2011
Royale Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: ROYL) is a stock we used to trade quite a bit a few months ago. It...
My Worst 25 Trades Since I Started In March
Over several hundred traders subscribe to my service and I'm sure one of the first things they'd...
5 Stocks I’m Bearish On, Like Ashton Kutcher’s Two And A Half Men Debut
From delist rumors to downgrades, Renren Inc. (RENN) is cracking and made a new low at $5.95...
Thursday September 15, 2011
Really nice win on STM yesterday, and while I'd have liked to hold it long term...I'll take the...
Wednesday September 14, 2011
Scalped a few stocks for small wins in chat today while dealing with some failed swing trades....
Tuesday September 13, 2011
AOL rumors continue to float and while I'm not much for merger plays, right now my position isn't...