6 Sep

3 No-Brainer Stocks Under $3 In A Bear Market: COOL, LVLT, SIRI


Typically I’m looking to trade market caps between $100m and $400m but I’ll go as high at $2b and sometimes above when the markets get volatile which, needless to say, has been the case recently.

Here are 3 trades I’ve been cashing in repeatedly on popular stocks just by playing the chart long and short.

Since August 12th I’ve traded Majesco Entertainment (COOL) 4 times for about $2,500 in verified profits seen here: (One, two, three, four).

Also since August 12th I’ve trade Sirius XM Radio (SIRI) 2 times for about $2,700 in verified profits seen here: (One, two).

Finally, I missed Level 3 Communications on the first market dip but nailed it on the second for about $1,200 seen here: (One).

These trades were easy 1-2 day holds and helped contribute to about $25,000 in profits for me in August. With futures getting slammed this morning, I’m looking to hit all three again today.


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