4 Dec

3B – Orders


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  1. Mark Gibson

    If you are using an account to trade stocks through a small credit union be careful. I had on order today for 5000 shares of PHOT with a limit of .23. When the order got picked up it that had 3500 shares at the price limit I put in (.23) and 1500 shares at (.37). Now my DCA is .272, which means I have to get a 9% return just to break even. Closing all my profitable positions and moving to E Trade.

    • Jason Bond

      Yes, definitely move to E*TRADE. The base was $.19 so an entry around $.20 was desirable.

  2. steelcityelectrician

    Great Video JB! But, I tried using a One Trigger oco yesterday only to Find out that they do not work on all stocks. Your alerts yesterday the Conditional s would not work…. I am a Beginner maybe I did something wrong But, it would not let me use a Conditional on that type of stock… I’m looking into it though… as in Y in wouldn’t work on That type of stock.. Thank You Though! This was a very educational video! Thanks!

  3. steelcityelectrician

    Ok! I figured the Conditional Order problem I was having…. 1: A Conditional Order can only be used in Regular Trading Hours. 2: IF with in the stock you are trying to Buy, Has all The Market Requirements Met, you can Not use a Conditional Order to Buy….

    • Jason Bond

      Ya, it’s the same as an order before or after market hours. I’m glad you liked the video.


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