1 Nov

$5,000 Profit Yesterday, Here Are My Thoughts On Today


Well leave it to Europe to mess with our bull rally once again. No biggie for us however because if it becomes a sustained fall we can go short with our Interactive Brokers accounts.

Locked in $5,300 on QPSA and lost $300 on GLUU. Today I’ll be down about $1,000 right out of the gate on CWTR but I’m not the type to panic sell, especially when I swing trade. You know my alert was only 1/3 my position and you know I think we have good support at $.90. So I stick to my plan and I trade the trade. If the market really looks horrible or gets worse this afternoon showing no signs of bouncing, we’ll then maybe I’ll cut my loss. Early on though, I won’t be a seller.

Be sure to watch my video I did on QPSA and CWTR because knowing how I think will help you make informed decisions about your trades. Free class tonight and our premium class is Thursday in the Jason Bond chat room – details to follow.


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