27 Dec

A Basket Of Stocks To Consider Heading Into January Of 2012


I’m watching GLUU and COOL heading into January. I like the charts on both and will be looking for a good technical entry while trying to time news on sales figures etc… from the holiday month. GLUU looks pretty good just above the 20 and 50 Moving Averages with resistance at $3.77 followed by b/o at $3.90. COOL is a little more concerning just below the 20, 200 and 50 Moving Averages…if the company doesn’t put out big news it’s a possible short if it tests $2.61 – $2.53 support because after that we’re looking at $2.00. Any good news out of COOL could spark a nice run between the price and resistance around $3.63.

THQI and BPAX continue to be on bottom bounce watch. I’m 2/3 swinging these two stocks recently but I think both have some solid room to run in January. THQI off the recent bottom of $.67 and between $.90 – $1.16 but only top end with news out of the company on sales etc. BPAX on a break of $.51 with gap down resistance at $.55 to signal a move back up. My favorite here is BPAX but be sure to track the next FDA ruling coming up.

Stocks I’m confident I’ll be trading soon include QPSA, PWAV, PZZI and RENN. Check previous watch lists for my desired entries and exits but understand this is a dynamic process and one that gets evaluated daily meaning all desired entry points today come under careful consideration through research daily.


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