3 Oct

A Live Sneak Peak Of My Premium Chat


Each day I get a handful of requests for a free trial. I don’t offer free trials though because I simply don’t have time to answer all the questions. So instead, this video will give you a sneak peak into just one part of my service. Hope you enjoy and hope you join me.

Bond Swing Trades (BST) is…

  • Designed to make money without being chained to your computer all day i.e. perfect for working professionals who don’t have the time to day trade but still want to actively trade the market.
  • 3-5 swing trade alerts per week, all entries and exits in real time by chat, text and email with a goal of $50,000 a year in profits

Bond Day Trades is… $497 / quarter complimentary with BST

  • Perfect for greedy, trigger happy traders who need profitable intraday ideas i.e. 5-7 momentum day trades per day in the biggest chat on Wall Street.
  • The goal is $500 profit per day which keeps the job away and be in all cash by end of trading day – everyday!

Bond Large Caps is… $197 / quarter complimentary with BST

  • TOP RATED INVESTMENTS utilizing the same swing trading concepts I’ve mastered and applying to longer term large caps stocks.
  • Hold times will be a period of weeks (or even months) so it is PERFECT for less aggressive traders who need more flexibility with entry/exit points.

1. Press play 2. Expand 3. Select 1080p for HD

1 Comment

  1. MarcoRamirez

    For the options trading with E-trade what “level” do we need?


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