14 Oct

Alerted October 3rd As A Squeeze Play, JVA Delivered My Subscribers 100% Plus


I have a knack for spotting lucrative swing trades and Coffee Holding Company (NASDAQ: JVA) is my latest example, so listen up cause my alert on this once $7 stock has delivered subscribers of my premium and free list well over 100% IN LESS THAN 10 DAYS!!!

You need to understand something… on 10/3 when I alerted JVA to my premium list, the stock hadn’t turned yet – I called the turn the day before it happened meaning we saw the full run.

I won’t say anymore, but you need to take some time and read this alert I put out for free, because it’s the exact type of trade I’m looking to sport more of in the near future.

Click here to read the alert that scored my premium and free subscribers over 100%.


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