24 Aug

An Audio Comedy Skit – Swing Trading With Jason Bond Picks


Video testimonials continue to roll in, this is by far one of the most creative.

It’s really not a video testimonial but more of a tribute or roast, therefore, I felt it deserved its own blog post versus the video testimonial page.

Thanks for taking the time to do this Ken, I really enjoyed it.

2012: Tribute to Jason Bond Picks by Ken

If you like my service, I would really appreciate a favor. Just 5 minutes of your time recording a video testimonial and send it to me.

In 30-45 seconds using your own words, I’d love to hear about how much you’ve made following a few trades either from the swing or day trade service.

Here’s 3 bullet points to guide your video testimonial:

1.    How long you’ve been with me

2.    2 things you like about Jason Bond Picks

3.    How much you’ve made following a few trades

Her’es how you do it:

1. Keep the video between 30-45 seconds long

2. The desired file is .mov or .wmv in high definition, for HD, use a camcorder, iPhone or iPad

3. Try and avoid webcams unless they are HD

4. Upon completion, please email the file to me

5. If the file is too big to email as an attachment, simply use Dropbox or some other large file transfer service

All chosen video testimonials will rotate through the top right of my homepage as well as be featured on this page, first name only.

Please help me build out community, I want your voice to be heard. Email me jason@jasonbondpicks.com should you have any questions.

New to Jason Bond Picks? Learn more here.


1 Comment

  1. JaredP

    I don’t usually have anything to laugh about on Monday morning, this is very well put together it made me laugh.


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