22 Aug

Chat Is Back Online


As you can see, we’ve made the transfer from PennyStockLive to JasonBondPicks.

This is just the first stage in a major project that I’ve wanted to tackle for quite some time. Soon you’ll have the option to choose from a long term, swing trade or day trade newsletter, all at different price points. A tremendous amount of money and work is going into the website over the next two weeks.

When it’s done I’ll offer the following lists:

Long Term Stock Picks: $199 per year – details coming

Swing Trade Stock Picks: $995 per year or $295 per quarter – details coming

Day Trade Stock Picks: $1,995 per year or $499 per quarter – details coming

Since all of you have been with me from the start, I’ll add you to whatever list you like, but you’ll remain on your current payment plan unless you only want to be on the ‘Long Term Stock Picks’ list which is probably cheaper than what your paying. Each list will have it’s own section of the website exclusive to those on that list. Again, the new pricing is ONLY for NEW SUBSCRIBERS.

In the meantime, get ready to trade tomorrow. All trades will be sent by text and email so be prepared. If your not on the text list,  you can sign up here.

Be sure to copy / paste it into the address bar, for some reason it doesn’t open when clicked.


Email me if you have questions, again, chat will be up as soon as possible. So there you have it, I just wanted to give you an update. Everything else will continue normally until the new website is up in a few weeks.


  1. Ethan Givoni

    Hi Jason, I can’t get into the chat this morning, I’m not sure why I can log in but it never loads the chat page.
    Thanks, Ethan.

    • Jason Bond

      Yes it’s down Ethan, sorry about that. Apparently the chat software isn’t allowed to be transferred to another domain name so I had to purchase a new chat license and have them install it. We should be back up and running soon, but it may take a few days.

  2. Louie

    Hey Jason, I don’t seem to be able to open the SMS sign up page, says it doesn’t exist blah blah blah. Any help would be great. Nice site btw.

    • Jason Bond

      Hi Louie. Just emailed you the link. Sorry about that. J


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