8 Dec

China Small Cap Stocks Heat Up; 5 Under $6 Worth A Look


China small cap stocks have been punished by sellers but it appears some trader favorites are heating back up. The following stocks; YONG, DANG, RENN, CAST and CNTF are priced around $5 or lower, usually have sizable short interest and are capable of making solid runs when they heat up. RENN going from $6 – $12 back in August is a good example, you just need to swing them at the right time. Here is what I’m looking at from a technical perspective as we move toward the holidays.

Yongye International Inc. (NASDAQ:YONG) engages in the research, development, manufacture, and sale of fulvic acid based liquid and powder nutrient compounds for plants and animals, which are used in the agriculture industry in the People’s Republic of China. YONG has a book value of $6.40 with $80.38 million in cash and $21.49 million in debt. There are 50.54 million shares outstanding and the last reported short interest was 8.77 days to cover.

E-commerce China Dangdang Inc. (NYSE:DANG) operates as a business-to-consumer e-commerce company in the People’s Republic of China. DANG has a book value of $2.57 with $244.8 million in cash and $0 debt. There are 79.27 million shares outstanding and the last reported short interest was 4.38 days to cover.

Renren Inc. (NYSE:RENN) operates a social networking Internet platform in China similar to Facebook. Pretty solid backstop on RENN here with a book value of $3.11, $1.2 billion in cash and $0, I repeat $0 debt. There are 392.02 million shares outstanding and the last reported short interest was 1.39 days to cover.

Chinacast Education Corp. (NASDAQ:CAST) provides post-secondary education and e-learning services in China. CAST has a book value of $6, $171.61 million in cash and $41.16 million in debt. There are 49.02 million shares outstanding and the last reported short interest was 11.51 days to cover.

China Techfaith Wireless (NASDAQ:CNTF) operates as an original developed products provider that is focused on the original design and sale of mobile phones in the People’s Republic of China and internationally. CNTF has a book value of $5.64, $236.30 million in cash and $290 thousand in debt. There are 52.93 million shares outstanding and the last reported short interest was 1 day to cover.


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