8 Mar

Come One, Come All, It’s FREE Chat Friday


U.S. futures are rocking! Asia put up good numbers overnight and Europe is climbing. There’s a little bit of data ahead and if that holds up the markets should close green today.

As you know I don’t have a free trial, it’s simply not doable for a number or reasons.

Having said that, every once and a while I like to show free clients a premium watch list and let them into chat to check out how Jason Bond Picks operates.

As such, feel free to use your affiliate link today combined with the chat link and invite traders into our room. Here’s how you combine your affiliate link with the chat link below.

Those of you who aren’t clients, here’s how to access my room.

Free chat Friday link…   http://jasonbondpicks.omnovia.com/chat
Password…   tiktok

Here’s a copy of the premium watch list for Friday if you’d like to share it around as well.

Like any good business I have a budget for advertising. At 30% recurring a few people are already at $30,000 / year in affiliate commissions. I’m working to build a community that will be here for a long, long time. If you’d like to make some residual income with me i.e. cash cow learn how to be an affiliate today. What an easy way to build up a day trading account and get my service for free. Hundreds are doing it, why not join them?


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