8 Aug

Don’t Be Left To Learn On Your Own


While the market has been all over the place the last few days…

I’m hearing stories of traders getting chopped up in this whole volatility mess…

After all, it’s almost hard not to when the Dow reverses and rallies back from a 589 point drop like it did yesterday.

But I have an easy fix to get on you track to make money in this ridiculous market.

What am I talking about?

I am talking about arming your trader’s toolbox with new strategies… ones that are tried-and-true… and proven to work…in any market condition… including this one.  

And the beauty is that it’s so fast and easy to do.

No, I’m not implying there’s some sort of hack. In reality, it sometimes takes years to develop a consistently profitable strategy.

Who has time for that?

I know my clients don’t.

If you want to cut the learning curve and make bigger profits in a shorter period of time, then you need to surround yourself with other successful traders who are willing to show you what they’re doing.

You see, while most traders were scratching their heads yesterday, trying to make sense of this market volatility…

… Millionaire Roadmap members were locking in big winners… I’m talking about 517%, 346%, and 84% winners… in a short period.


That’s right, Nathan Bear nailed 517% and 346% winners on two separate trades in Match Group (MTCH) and Kyle Dennis pulled in 84% in Weight Watchers (WW)… and a lot of clients took advantage of their alerts.


That’s the power of team trading.

When you trade with a group of successful traders like the ones in Millionaire Roadmap (MRM)… it provides you with a lot of benefits and gives you an edge in the market.


1. Team Trading Provides You With Edge Strategies

Let’s face it… if you’re trading the markets alone… you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage because you’re probably focused on a specific strategy. When you do that, you actually miss out on a lot of opportunities.

When you trade alone… you don’t have anyone to talk to… nor do you have traders who will tell you about their favorite setups and teach you how to use their best strategies.

For example, Nathan Bear gets on the mic in the Millionaire Roadmap room and teaches traders exactly how to take advantage of his edge strategies… strategies that are pulling in massive winners in today’s market…

… and Millionaire Roadmap clients know exactly how to use his simple-to-follow system.

Yesterday, Nathan Bear nailed two money-multiplying trades in MTCH!



… and a lot of Millionaire Roadmap clients took advantage of Nathan’s alert in MTCH. This is exactly what I’m talking about… when you have a team of traders, you’re able to find money-making opportunities.


K.R. : out MTCH calls +3k

C.B. : Thx Nate for MTCH calls I am out with $2,800 win

M.H. : up 200% on MTCH wow

D.B. : They say “Sell into strength” I did +180% on MTCH….. Thanks Nate!!!

T.R. : My MTCH us up 107 % in 10 minutes


[Must Read: Nathan Bear actually recorded the trade in real-time and he wants to show you how easy it is to use his system and consistently rake in large winners like the ones he took in MTCH yesterday. Click here to watch Nathan in action.]

2) A New Way to Look at the Markets

When you have a team… they actually provide you with a new outlook on the market.

Think about it like this, when you trade with an experienced team like Millionaire Roadmap… we actually provide you with new ways to make money in the markets.

For example, you’ve probably heard that earnings are volatile, and you shouldn’t buy and hold into the event.

While that is true most of the time, there are sometimes when it makes sense to take an earnings trade… and Kyle Dennis actually provided us with a new way to look at earnings yesterday with his 84% winner in WW.

Basically, Kyle Dennis found a bullish setup and multiple catalysts that could have sent the stock soaring – ahead of its earnings announcement!

With this specific trade, The “Big O” – Oprah – is involved and advertising for WW. Not only that, the stock was strong when the market was sold off last week.

So there was a high probability that WW could continue higher into and after its earnings.


Well, Kyle actually let clients know about this trade ahead of time… and some MRM clients actually returned more than Kyle and we’re so stoked about that!


M.K : @KD, ty for WW, 161% woot


L.H. : 250% on ww calls but went with 24 strike for cheaper option


J.S. : WW 350% on calls .. Thx Kyle!!

W.M. : 360% WW…..Thanks Kyle

J.P. : Thank you so much on WW, Kyle! Up +3k from WW

M.H. : up 10 K on it brother you are the man

T.Y. : 4k on WW in one day!!! Thanks Kyle!


3) More Ways to Make Money in the Market

Of course, when you have multiple strategies and a new perspective on the market… you have more ways to make money in the market… and that’s exactly what MRM offers.

More strategies, more of our best ideas, more ways for you to generate high returns.

In Millionaire Roadmap, I teach traders how to use my momentum and options trading strategies… providing you with multiple trade setups.

Not only that, you’ll be able to learn Nathan Bear’s Trend Pattern Squeeze (TPS) system… that allowed him to generate nearly $30K in real-money profits yesterday… in a choppy market!



You’ll also be able to learn Kyle Dennis’ money-making strategies… the same strategies that helped him turn $15K into $7M in just a few short years.

Last, but not least, Taylor Conway (who turned $10K into $2.33M in just 3 years) will teach you how to day trade with his monthly three-hour Masterclass… providing you with a strategy to maximize your profits when markets are volatile, like the environment we’re in now.

You know the power team trading offers, and now it’s your last chance to join MRM and put yourself in a position to become a 7-figure trader. If you’re ready to take advantage of our money-making strategies and ideas, then click here to get started.




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