18 Dec

DVD 1 Preview: The Fundamentals Of Short Selling


It’s been almost 1 full year since I took over this website and I’m very happy with all that’s been accomplished, however, 2012 is going to be even better from both the profit side and the education side.

In 2011 not only did I turn a profit on my portfolio but I think I’ve provided plenty of sound educational material as well. Again, I think I can do much better in 2012 now that I’ve settled in so prepare for more efficient alerts and educational material. To build on this momentum, in 2012 I’m opening a store and plan to fill it with DVD’s on the most important trading strategies I’ve learned in a decade of trading.

DVD 1 Preview: The Fundamentals of Short Selling – 45 minutes of content that could help you make money.


It’s a large file so it will take some time to download – be sure to give it a minute or two.

There is a lot of money to be made short selling stocks. This fundamental video should be enough to get you started.

In 2012 I’m out to prove there is no other newsletter offering as much value as I do – I don’t care if I have to work 20 hour days 7 days a week I will make being a member of my website valuable for my subscribers in 2012.

Again – after you click the link or image it takes about 1 minute to load your presentation so please be patient.


  1. Jason Bond

    In the video I made one mistake – I’m actually long about 200,000 shares of MILV pump, not the AMWI pump sorry. So many pumps I got confused. In addition I was short EK 30,000 shares, not 100,000 shares sorry. The final 3-hour version of this DVD will have both of those mental errors fixed.

  2. samhanm05

    love your ambition and entrepreneurship. taking what you know to help others profit and put some money in your pocket too. wonderful leadership as well. i aspire to have qualities like that.

    • Jason Bond

      Thank you Sam. I appreciate you saying so.

  3. Roy

    So are you planning on selling your MILV today? Or does your analysis tell you the pump will continue?

    • Jason Bond

      I think this pump will continue today but given the chart each bounce gets weaker. This is definitely not a long term hold Roy. Be sure to watch my short video because it details this pattern on how they bounce slightly after each dump.

  4. John E

    Jason, This appears to be a very informative video, however, I am having issues getting it to play in the Quicktime format. It keeps stalling on the website download and the actual MP4 video is not working.

    • Jason Bond

      Hi John, someone else had an issue using Chrome – not sure if that’s your browser? Anyway, I used Windows Media Player and it seems to work well in Firefox. Once the final version is done and the DVD is complete we’ll have it redone and available in a player online for subscribers which will make it a lot easier. Let me know how you make out.

  5. GabeRiela

    great vid!

    • Jason Bond

      Thank you.

  6. Bill Allshouse

    I would like to subscribe to your new short trading service $197 but it is not showing up on your web sight any more.
    Thanks for your time.

    • Jason Bond

      That will be on sale in February again.


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