13 Jun

Fear, Doubt, Regret & Anger; Kevin’s Story



I started trading in the last month of 2013 and joined in with Jason Bond Picks. It was a great community of successful traders making a killing. My goals were set extremely low. I intended to start out with a $500 weekly goal. I thought that would be rather simple. Many of you might remember the beginning of 2014 was the pot stock craze and I really didn’t have much experience with trading. Once January hit and marijuana went legal in Colorado, all kinds of trashy pot related stocks were running rampant. One particular pot stock made me over 15k that Jason alerted on my rather small account of 25k.

“That huge win was a blessing and a curse”

That big win gave me a false sense of my expectations from trading and also I began to take on more risk and bigger losses. As I know many others can relate, once that started it became like a snowball rolling down a hill. Later in 2013 I started day trading more and desperately trying other services. No luck. Within a few months I fell below the 25k minimum for day trading and I was beginning to die inside. I felt like my trading was coming to an end if I couldn’t trade freely anymore in and out of trades.

“Fear, doubt, regret, anger …”

Fear, doubt, regret, anger, everything that I’ve been working so hard on was becoming a HUGE FAILURE. Not only was I losing money but I was losing my freedom to do what I always dreamed of.

“It’s not about the money, It’s about the Freedom”

However true that quote is, trading doesn’t work when you’re out of money. I gave up day trading in a few short months and went back to studying and swing trading with Jason. It was unfortunately bad timing in the markets as the summer of 2015 was rough, followed by a huge market flash crash in August. Successful swing trades were few and far between. With my money slowly disappearing and also having to withdraw money to pay bills and survive, I signed up for an account at SureTrader with my credit card. I was spiraling out of control and no one was telling me to stop. I pretty much zeroed out that account in no time. By September 15′ I stopped trading and decided to take a much needed break. Something I hadn’t done up to that point.

I can honestly tell you that if I didn’t take time off, I wouldn’t be here writing this. While I was off, I focused on getting my life together, I sold an investment property that I profited really well on. I knew deep inside that I would go back to trading. There was no way I could let almost 2 years of my life go to waste, all the hours of research and studying. I wouldn’t be able live with myself. I also didn’t want to do anything else. Trading is the ultimate freedom, working for yourself, waking up and going to work in your sweat pants. Am I right!?

“I can’t, I won’t fail at this”

During my time off, I was still keeping track of stocks, sometimes rather jealously hearing of all the big winners the people I followed were racking up. I reflected “big league” on my mistakes and looked at what was effecting my trading so much. Selling my investment property, paying off my credit card debt gave me a fresh start and some money left over to dabble with trading again, but this time SMARTER, more DISCIPLINED, more PATIENT. In December 2015, I re-funded my account at Etrade and just sat there. I didn’t do any trades for a whole week. I was so scared to make one mistake and fall right back in to my old ways. I was afraid to let myself down again. That led me to my next realization, trading SCARED was no way to trade and thats how I spent my first 2 years.

I really had to clean my slate and start over, but I needed help. Over my time off I was still following Jason, he was back to making some good money and ended the year with a great return. I knew there was others out there but no one really matched him and his down to earth style. I’ve been where he’s been, college and credit card debt, a job that felt like a dead end. Now he’s driving Land Rover’s and paying cash for everything. That December I decided if I was going to make it, I was going to invest in myself and pony up the money to join Jason’s Mentor program called Millionaire Roadmap.

“This was make or break for me. Do or Die.”

With a clean slate, no debt, a fresh start being able to look over a traders shoulder who was consistently making huge returns. IT WAS THE GREATEST DECISION I EVER MADE! I started 2016 out fairly slow, quiet and extremely focused and disciplined. I ate, drank and breathed trading again.

My first month I made $19k.

I never even stopped to think about it, still afraid I would lose it, having that feeling in my stomach every time I took a trade.

My Second month, $18k.

I was on a mission and didn’t want to stop until I made everything I lost back and by March I hit the 50k mark. I made it all back. From that point on I started to get more confident, my risk threshold was increasing to where before I had none. That is no way to trade. I continued the year with the pedal to the floor.

My grand total for the year was around 225k. I am still in shock. Jason’s mentorship and surrounding myself by the masterminds in his program turned my trading around. I refused to become a statistic and be another trader that failed. Surrounding myself by successful traders, people who were smarter than me helped me so much. I started to see all the mistakes I was making. I took control of my anxiousness, FOMO (Fear of missing out), chasing stocks and stressing all the time. Jason helped me build my confidence again and get back to consistent winners. He gave me the tools and I took if from there.

I’m so thankful to Jason and his team for helping me get through the hardest and trying time in my life. I fought through, maybe too hard. While others were sleeping, I was working, studying. I was not going to give up but just underestimated how incredibly tough this job would be, but also now looking back the most rewarding. It’s so important to trade from a good place emotionally and financially. You can’t go to a casino with $20 expecting to win it big. It takes time and patience. Small wins over time add up. You have to be patient! I can’t stress it enough. If you’re trying to make it big, you will lose your money.

2017 is already off to a great start with over 136%, +$78k in returns and trading all on my own. Jason gave me the foundation so that I can trade stocks for hopefully the rest of my life!



  1. Dewey

    The penny stock service kinda stinks unless you have the margin to buy 15,000 shares of companies under $5.

    • Jason Bond

      Kyle started with $15,000 and is approaching $3,000,000 so your statement isn’t true. However, it’s subjective in that it depends on the traders goals.

  2. jasoncatt

    It is a shame the service is so expensive for small account holders. If you’re starting out with $5,000 you have to make 33% return to break even.

    • Jason Bond

      It’s early, my match could be wrong, $5,000 to $5,399 is 8% right? That’s one winning swing trade between 5-10%. Kyle started with $15,000 and is approaching $3,000,000 in 3 years. I believe it’s mindset, not my fee that’s holding you back.

  3. Terry

    I lost 22k in 2015 trading options, many mistakes and not much of a plan.If you are starting with a small account just make smart swing trades and your account grows quickly, be patient.The content in JBP is an amazing value.

  4. Jeff A

    I signed up less than a month ago , up 100 on one down 50 on another . trading with u is awesome but taking 5 to 20 percent is good but its hard when u are trading 200 lots and not 20000 lots . great videos and training lessons , working full time with the markets open is tough .

    • jasoncatt

      What’s your starting account size Jeff?

  5. Eric McCullough

    @Kevin do you have a twitter handle?

  6. hope

    @Kevin Thanks for your sharing! It’s very inspiring. Lots of people lost their account including me:(. How much you refund your account after you sold your investment property?

  7. Courtney Aikens

    This is my 1st day of using Jason Bond Picks I am up $300. This program is great so far!

  8. DeWayne Bridges

    I just signed up on Monday to Jason Bonds Picks and am now trading in a practice account – getting up to spend and learning. My trading account is just 0ver 14K. I also today signed up with Petra’s Picks. So with the funds that I have committed this week to my trading education and mentorship I am now working with a 13k trading account. I am retired and living on a limited fixed income and this account also serves as a backup for when unexpected expenses come that exceed my income. This is a big step for me but I have researched and truly believe that I have chosen the best possible people and services to take my trading to the next level. I know I have to be patient and be willing to start by taking small wins and build from there. I am fully committed to doing just that.

  9. Terry Martin

    I joined the MRM this year and I am committed to making trading my new occupation. I have worked away from home a large part of my life, but with a new grandson here now I AM going to spend more time at home with my family.Thanks to everyone at Jason Bond Picks and weekly money multiplier.

    • Jason Bond

      Excellent, welcome Terry. Keep me posted.


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