25 Aug

Friday August 26, 2011


Another $1,137 in profits for me today, hopefully you guys saw some green too. Played AMAT perfectly per the watchlist, short at $11, out at $10.90 and it continued to fall another $.10 but I’m happy with a few hundred bucks per trade.

Totally missed YRCW and CRWV today, saw them both rising early on and just didn’t pull the trigger, won’t let it happen again.

Heading into Friday I’ve thinned out in preparation for Ben’s speech. The portfolio is working again so you can check my positions there, although shorts don’t work with QuoteMedia so I’ll detail those here.

PPRTF is going great and I still have all 20,000 shares. Currently up about $900 I ‘d love to see the $.60 range soon.

Short 7.5k LBAS at $.76 and it squeezed me a bit today up $.03. I’ll give it 1 more day to gap down and then I’ll take my loss. With a shareholder meeting coming up, who knows what these guys have planned.


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