15 Jan

Friday January 15, 2016


Good morning.

I’ve been having considerable luck with the swing trading right now because it allows me to target momentum easier than the long term trading. In this market, I think that’s where the best opportunities are.

For example, Thursday’s 300+ point move sure looked like a bottom in the market, right? Had we gone long a few positions into that, Friday’s -400 point move at the open would have turned into more losses.

Point is, best to play it safe right now until a trend is in. Look at this stat.

Last Friday the market opened green, closed red.

Same Monday – Wednesday this week.

Thursday it bounced, finally, only to squash dip buyers today.

Play it safe.

So here’s what I’m looking at. I’d like to buy 1,000 ERX at $16.20 today. I really like this trade as it keeps holding $16 very nicely no  matter what the market and oil price is. I think the market might scare off again today so that’s why I’m bidding it lower right now. As always I’ll alert if it fills.

I also like TBT a lot for a long term trade. Probably 500 shares there on a break below $40. People are trying to hid in U.S. bonds right now for safety. That won’t last forever.

Finally SIEN.  News that third party testers found the company’s medical implants safe and without substantial risk to patients sparked the stock last week. If the FDA agrees with the third party testers, the devices are back on the market. Prior to the bad luck suffered in September, the company beat on all calls after the IPO. I just closed a +17% +$3,500 swing win on this earlier in the week and am looking to rebuy in the $7’s for a technical move to $10’s or better if good news hits. I like this better as a long term trade looking for the turnaround to spark a big win.

Trade green!

Jason Bond


  1. 70ng

    Hi, I just couldn’t get SIEN today 🙁 At what price would you suggest to buy again? Thank you!

    • Jason Bond

      I like it above $7 right now. Can’t advise you here, I can only share what I like.

  2. 70ng

    ok, thx. What about a stop loss – can you give us/me a hint on where to set one?

    • Jason Bond

      For now I think $7 or even $6.50 should be support.


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