1 Jul

Friday July 1, 2011


Hard to believe June is over already. With the holiday weekend ahead of us I don’t expect a lot of activity today in the markets so I’ll probably check out early to do some fishing. But I do plan to be around for the first part of the session to see if there are any good opportunities to jump on.

Heading into today I have 5k LOCM at $3.33 and have no problem holding this one until next week. Might squeeze into the close but unless it’s massive I’m holding for the $3.80 range, maybe more.

Scaled out of about 15k GPXM yesterday on the ask by patiently sitting there just below what I paid for the stock around $.1485. I’ll hold this one over the weekend, just didn’t want 75k shares. We’ll see what happens today, if it starts getting bought then I’ll assume Tuesday might be promo and hold about half my original 75k position. Currently 58k at $.15.

Nothing has changed on GSTP or XSNX, still holding and waiting for activity.


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