7 Jul

Friday July 8, 2011


About $3,100 in profits for me today in the main account but I gambled on TSTRQ and lost about $1,000 trying to flip the momentum. I indicated TSTRQ was a casino play in chat because I had done no research on it, I was simply looking for the court ruling to send it higher but instead it acted like a biotech having already been runup into the news. Also lost over $2.5k short getting squeezed on POTG so that pretty much sucks and basically leaves me even on the day.

Thinned things out even more today as I try to center my trading skills. Wednesday I took at $7k hit on GSTP but today I flipped it once the market opened and made $2.7k back. Profit.ly isn’t uploading all of the trade yet but you’ll see about $7k in losses and $3k in gains. Sold my 3k of GRHU for a small profit today, that turd wasn’t doing anything so I moved on for now. Scaled out of two 2.5k blocks of LOCM for a few hundred profit and am holding 2.5k for tomorrow.

I won’t be in chat tomorrow and I’ll update the calendar with some future travel plans as well. Whenever I’m on the road I continue to trade so you can expect everything to be normal outside of me being in chat.

No class this evening, something has come up so I can’t make it sorry.


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