24 Jun

Friday June 24, 2011


Great turn out in class last night, glad to see so many people interested in learning and making money. Not much has changed since yesterday regarding my positions and boy was it a volatile day. COOL fell hard right out of the gate but turned off of $2.76 and hit a high of $3.10 in AH and closed at $3.08 – great timing on the PR, we could see a squeeze on COOL today. The biggest thing on COOL as that the AH action holds up.

75k XSNX at $.07, current $.067, goal $.10, stop $.05. This is a strategic bid buy like SHMX was.

125k GSTP at $.14, current $.0899, goal $.19, stop $.08. Like SHMX, this is a strategic bid buy and so long as $.09 – $.10 hold up I’m staying in.

10k COOL at $3.18, current $3.08, goal $4, stop $3.00. I had my hands full at the open yesterday or I would have stopped out here.

3k LCI at $5.41, current $5.31, goal $6.10, stop $5.00. No FDA announcement yet concerns me, I’m watching close.

Short 1.1k ORS at $4.04, current $5.08, goal $3.00, will add on a spike. I sold 1.9k premarket Thursday for $300 profit but couldn’t get my whole order filled which turned out to be a big mistake. Now down over $1k on the remaining shares I’m looking for the exit sign. Trying to reserve shares this morning cause I’ll add to my position on a spike if possible.

Short 40k SHMX at $.205, current $.145, goal $.12, stop $.25. So far so good on this short. Almost covered yesterday but I’d really like $.12 here.


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