3 Jun

Friday June 3, 2011


Heading into today I have four open positions. Nice class last night, great questions by all who showed up… we even had one guy wake up at 2am where he lives to attend, now that’s dedication.

I’m working with my programmer to display my open trades in a spreadsheet on a 20 minute quote delay to provide you with more data. Should be done soon.

10k GMR at $1.73. Post market hits last night were at $1.85. Goal is between $1.88 and $2.00 depending on how it trades this morning.

55k MSMY at $.13. Chart still looks bullish which is why I held despite being up $2k. Goal is $.18 – $.20 short term.

4k MOBI at $8.65. Seems to have found support at the $8 range so I’ll just be patient here and wait for $9-$10 per share.

91k GSTP at $.15. Still no major news to move this but I’m waiting patiently. Goal remains in the $.20’s.


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