22 Jan

From Construction To Trading; Now This Is A Great Story



Your welcome for saying I trust you, you should give yourself a pat on the back you earned my trust. Not just because I have made money from my membership, it’s also because of how you handle your business.

Here’s one example: when we need a stock to get a little push and some of the members in chat ask you to alert it in the free chat room so the stock will take off and you tell them, “No way that is just like pumping.” Also you tell them, “That’s not the honest way to do things and the stock will go up on its own.” Nobody would know but your paid members, if you did that and I’m sure a lot of your members would be ok with it because that would make them money. But I agree with you it’s not honest and if I have to take a loss that’s ok. I’d rather take a loss and still have my dignity rather than make money and toss my integrity out the window.

I have had a lot of work refereed to me from being honest and I have no doubt you will too. I know a lot of people who invest in a lot of different investments, but they are afraid of stocks because they don’t understand how to trade them. But they trust me, I have talked to some of them about you and they are going to watch how I do over the next couple months before they will sign up. That’s one of the reasons I want to learn as much as possible in a short period of time so I can also show them what I have learned from you, not just how much money I have made from mirroring your trades.

I’m not referring people for the money to refer someone either I am doing it for a couple reasons, one is to help my friends make more money. The other reason is because you deserve the referrals, you work your butt off for your members and to build your business. I can appreciate how hard it is and how much time it takes to build a business, because I have built and developed several different businesses of my own as well.

I will bust my butt to get referrals for you, because I didn’t know what I was going to do to provide for my family after my recent back injury. You have given me a way I can still provide for my family and a new business opportunity; this will allow my body to heal properly, something I was not able to do in the construction industry. So as my kids get older I will still be able to be able to participate in the physical activities they like to do and not have to sit on the sidelines in pain and watch.

Another reason is I’m not the kind of person ok waiting around and waiting for someone to tell me what to do and when to do it, I want to learn all the reasons why you decide to buy a stock, how to decided to buy that stock and when to buy it. So I understand it and if I want to trade a stock with less volume than you can trade with all your members I can without guessing.

That’s one of the reasons why I have been self employed for 20 years, is because I enjoy the mental reward of learning anything new and the feeling of satisfaction I get from accomplishing it.

When I can start picking stocks as well as the guys in chat I will be more than happy to share with your other members in chat like they do.

Anyway you’re a stud for being as honest as you are and how willing you are to teach what you know.  

Thanks for all you do!



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