30 Apr

Here’s What A Client Learned In His First Month At Jason Bond Picks


“Hi Jason,

This is my first month with JBP. It has been great so far. My account grew by 5%.

Things I have done better after joining JBP:

  • Buying stocks on the curl from bottom
  • Better at connecting the dots.

For example, last week I read news somewhere that solar industry being financed $4B, watched for curl on SPWR stock, took small stake, added more after hearing PR about Google, sold some of the stock before earnings. This was huge gain for me and did offset most of my losses in portfolio)

Things I have learned:

  • Do not stay through investor updates/ earnings (I didn’t lose money on PLUG investor update but didn’t make money either)
  • Before I didn’t understand why I stock went up/down, buy price & selling price for a stock (how they are connected to support and resistance).
  • I was chasing stocks when I should have waited for the stocks to consolidate. I have lost good amount of money when I chased stocks from chat room. I didn’t lose much when I chased your alerts, as I knew what was good buy price since I researched them from watch list.
  • Quality over quantity. (I used to buy lot of stocks hoping that one day all of them would rise, so naive of me when I think about it.)

What I like about JBP:

  • Daily watch list comes with clear explanation of why they are on watch
  • You truly care about your clients, teach them very well. This is the best part for me because I know that I won’t lose money even if I might not make lot of money.
  • Your market assessments and thoughts about stocks when you are on mic are priceless for some of us who are not full-time traders.

Things I wish were there with JBP:

  • Short Audio/Video with daily watch list in the morning explaining your thoughts about market that day and watch list. I struggled with watch lists in the beginning, never understood why a stock picked up momentum why others didn’t pick up. I understood them lot better when you explained them on mic and connected the dots. For example, LQMT increased on anticipation with AAPL earnings.

Thanks for everything so far and I can’t thank enough. My confidence in trading grew better and I hope it can only get better.

Next month, I thinking of slowing my self down, perhaps paper trading as you have suggested on focus group and studying “Candlestick Course”.


~ Kal S.


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