6 May

Here’s What A Retired Commercial Real Estate Broker From California Thinks Of Jason Bond Picks


“Jason, in my long career, I have had the privilege to hire “go getters”.  A salesman must be a go getter or he will starve to death.

You, my friend, are a go getter and I’m proud to say I know you, even if it is long distance and via the internet, because, you are not only a go getter, but you care about the people who come to you for guidance and you are a people person.  You have a knack and the patience (most of the time) to shepherd people to find their own way.  When you don’t have the patience it is because someone is not playing by the “courtesy rules” and you easily take the appropriate action.

I am enjoying my daily visits to the chat room and as you have guessed, I am a watcher and listener.  Check it out, I’m always there and if you don’t see me logged in, I have gone to the stock market in the sky… lol, just kidding.  I’m up every morning at 5:30 west coast time to get ready of your words of wisdom.  Here at the computer by 6 am my time, 9 yours.

I am going to write a blog for you in a few months, but won’t tell you what it is about.  I want to say to you and Pam, that I couldn’t be prouder than if you were one of my clan.  You work very hard for us and you deserve all the good things in life.  I’m so proud of you, I may think of adopting the both of you.

I consider myself fortunate to have found you and your website and your wisdom.  For a guy who is advanced chronologically, I’m honored to know you and your merry band of assistants.  A great crew you have assembled all willing to help.

I like the posting of the current picks in the announcements since I don’t have to log into the website and look for them if they came late in the evening.

Thanks to you and Pam for making my days something to look forward to .  Please note that I usually include Pam in these messages because while I know you are well educated and a very good stock picker… your wife is really the power behind the throne and I know that, because my wife is also.  Kudos Pam!

Thomas B.”


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