27 Oct

Here’s What I’m In Today


Not a premium subscriber but wondering how my system works? Let me break it down real quick for you.

I’m a swing trader and up 15% since I started this newsletter in March while the S&P 500 is down -6.1% in the same time period.

I have over $32,000 in profits since starting this service in March in one of the choppiest markets seen in the history of trading.

I send 3-5 swing trade alerts to my premium subscribers every week with a goal of $1,000 to $2,000 profit per trade.

How can I determine what my profit is in advance you ask? Well that’s actually a lot easier than it sounds if you have a strong system like I do.

I scout $1 – $5 dollar small cap stocks with market caps around $100 million. I place 5,000 to 10,000 share best on these stocks based on future catalysts and sound technical analysis.

My hold time is as little as 1 day to as much as 2 weeks when appropriate.

The goal is to get $.25 to $.50 cents per share profit before getting out of the trade. Usually this is 10%.

Recent examples from this month include LOCM from $2.25 to $2.70 – I had 5,000 shares and made over $2,200 in profit.

Today I’m in QPSA at $2.95 with 3,000 shares and it’s at $3.65.

All these alerts go out by Skype first, text message second and email last, all within a goal of 1 minute from my entry.

Here’s what we’re swinging heading into today’s bull run and I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m pumped up for my subscribers and I today because futures are smoking right now.


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