18 Jan

How I Made $20,531 Off This 5 Stock Watch List


Back on December 20th at 8:09 a.m. EST I put out this watch list. It was a Tuesday and that night at 9:00 p.m. EST I met with 120 subscribers for 1 hour in a webinar giving all of my reasons for swing trading the below mentioned stocks into the New Year. We’ll the results are in and I challenge you to find another alert service who sticks to their work like I do.

I bring all of this up, I spend the time writing all this, I teach and I teach and I teach because I believe I’m one of the best teachers of swing trading around and there’s nothing more powerful than proof. Wait until you see the massive profits my guys and gals locked in on QPSA – I’ll post that blog tomorrow.


As December comes to a close I’m looking to use my cash and load up with 100% stock heading into January. The following five stocks are companies I currently own or plan to own as a part of loading the boat because I think they will run in 2012.

I like PZZI off of $5 dollar support and will look to accumulate 5,000 – 10,000 shares around there. QPSA is a former winner for us back in late October early November and I think 5,000 – 10,000 shares just below $3 is a good entry on that. RENN I’m not as confident because nobody is buying China right now but if it slips to $3 I’ll be looking to pick up a sizable position with a tight stop just in case market sentiment on China doesn’t turn. I already own 25,000 USAT and am at a loss, however I think this stock trades above $2 in 2012 so I’ll be looking to add more size as January comes closer. I’ve followed this company and sector for a year and think that could be one of my bigger scores in early 2012. Finally LQMT for the penny lovers. LQMT is an interesting story given their deal with Apple and Swatch so they definitely have the ability to become popular again in 2012. Given the sell off in December I’ll look to grab a small chunk at some point and let it ride in 2012.









  1. Jeannine Holmes

    Hi Jason, A friend of mine just introduced me to your information. I have never gotten involved in the stock market, and I am not sure how I should get started. But, from what i see here, it looks pretty promising. I just need a little more guidance. Thank You!!

    • Jason Bond

      Hi Jeannine. If you’re new I’m not going to lie, it’s a lot of work. If you’d like to sign up I’ll definitely work with you and try my best to help you along quicker. I have a decent following and I think my strategy is pretty straight forward. Stocks are a dangerous game, it helps to have a good mentor in my opinion. Keep in touch. My email is jason@jasonbondpicks.com

  2. al

    I am impressed with your gains. What I need are timely updates on trades of one week in duration at most. I cannot day trade right now. Can I sign up for alerts that will accomplish this goal?

  3. al

    I am Impressed with your gains. What I need is Mini-cap ($6.00 or less) alerts for trades of one day to one week duration at most. I cannot day trade right now. Do you have this type of service?

    • Jason Bond

      Yes all I do is swing trading so I alert in real-time by chat, text and email. Swing trading is 1-4 day holds but if I get a big winner on day 1 then I’ll usually look to lock in profit.

  4. Peter Conti

    Hey Jason,
    Have read up on you as of late. My employment status is precarious at best and i am thinking of supplementing my income. Do you have any books out that could help me with learning about day or swing trading? I am interested in penny stocks and can afford to trade at $1000 per trade. I have the usual 401k and mutual funds but would LOVE to become independent of the work place. I am 48 and have two girls under 6 so I have a huge weight financially on keeping employed. Hate it! Love my job just hate the insecurity. My monthly expenses are about 5500. Just wondering if you have any advice? Basics like what Etrade acct to open. Good books to read? I work nights currently so my days can be spent productively if I just had some direction. Appreciate your time. Thanks Peter Conti

    • Jason Bond

      Hi Peter, that’s what my service is about. Sign up and I’ll teach you. Cheers.

  5. Vince

    Just found your site. Going to sell some of my stocks and join your team. Only question is I’ve had other newsletters but the big problem is that they give you stock alerts at night then the stock shoots up in pretrade and you’ve missed out on the gain.

    • Jason Bond

      Hi Vince, my premium service trades live meaning my buy and sell alerts by chat, text and email come in real time off a watch list I build daily.

  6. mike worthington

    hi jason,
    do you trade in the canadian market ?

    • Jason Bond

      Hi Mike, not much to be honest.

  7. Richard

    Hi Jason,

    OK, I am liking what I see, but my financial situation has been very precarious these last couple of years. I have very little to invest, and even less to spend on membership fees, etc. However, if I joined, is it possible to start with just a few hundred and build to something bigger, maybe even a full-time income. Or do you need to have money to make money, as the saying goes?


    • Jason Bond

      Hi Richard and thanks. I think this game is money to make money but the education part of my service is often worth the money in itself. Let me know what you decide to do and I’ll try and help you out. J.

  8. joshua carter

    Hi jason do you tell your followers when to buy an sell stock?

    • Jason Bond

      Hi Joshua, I don’t tell them when to, I tell them when I did and then they decide to mirror my trades if they want. Hope that helps. J.

  9. Pedro

    I’m new to trading and considering joining your “picks” site. Before I start I would like to know which brokerage service you use to buy non-DTC stocks. A friend of mine has an account with Zecco but I don’t think that’s working out for him. Thanks

    • Jason Bond

      I think Etrade is the best broker for OTC but most of my trades are NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ so any broker should work. Just the same I like Etrade for my retail broker.

  10. P.

    I only lost 100.00 on NSRS, luckily, the promotion sounded convincing because the Penny stock newsletters kept coming out with statements of further gold finds, my other stocks are 4 star large cap energy stocks , and certain banks, which I know are not going to go bust. There is research on the Web for “ordinary” stocks for very small investors like me. My advice I’m sure you agree , don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

    • Jason Bond

      Agreed! Further, I never ‘invest’ in stocks like this I simply trade them.

  11. BettyNabirumbi

    Hi Jason:

    Iam very new to nthis business and almost ignorant. I have lost a good sum of money with NSRS,LSTG and most recently with CBIS and OREO and IRYS. I seem to be getting in and out at the wrong time. Now I even lost on THLD.
    I do not know how to read the chats how can you assist me? I do not have much money left but I still want to make money! thanks+

    • Jason Bond

      Yes I teach Betty, come to classes Thursday night and watch my video lessons. 8)


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