10 Jan

How Many Alerts Will I Receive Each Week?


Jason cuts through the BS and delivers subscribers two, three and sometimes five actionable trade alerts each week.

These aren’t just “ideas” but trades he’s putting real money behind. This isn’t some scam where he sells thirty minutes after his alert once members bid up the stock like some other newsletters out there.


  1. ben

    are the results shown on the site just your winners,what is your win/loss ratio?

  2. Jay

    Greetings Jason!

    For us full-time workers w/a business hours job, how critical is it that we be able to sell a loss quickly?

    • Jason Bond

      Hi Jay, it’s hard to predict what the market will do. While I try to avoid troublesome trades every now and then we all wake up to bad news. My advice to professionals is carry a smart phone because brokers like Etrade Pro have excellent apps that make it very easy to buy sell on the job. Having been a teacher for ten years, I fully know what it’s like to try and trade while working which is why I’ve built my system on swing trades only. Hope that helps. For what it’s worth, I’ve only been caught in two really back trades and both where my fault… so out of about 500 trades I’ve managed to steer clear of maybe headaches. That doesn’t mean I don’t take losses but what I’m referring to is a loss greater than 5%.


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