2 Jan

How To Bank Big Swing Trading; Continuation Patterns You Can Count On


Eventually I’ll make this the topic of a DVD but for now there should be plenty in this 30-minute download to keep you busy.


From triangles to bull flags every good swing trader should know how to accumulate shares inside of a continuation pattern. The idea here is to load support and sell the strength. It’s important to note general market conditions as well as stock specific news while in the trade.

This watchlist produced massive winners the next day using these simple back tested techniques.


This is proof of the moves 4/10 stocks on that list saw the next day and pull up a chart on CYCC just 2-days later for another huge win.



  1. Kelvin

    Great call on PEIX Jason, over 10% in 30 mins, just under $200 profit. Geez, that’s nearly a quarter subs fees paid, in just 30 mins.

    Also thanks for bringing SSN to my attention, made a quick $160 on that too, just for holding overnight.

    Keep up the good work, Jason.

    Opening an account with sure trader soon, so will be adding your day trade N/L to my sub, really looking forward to that.

    Many thanks


    • Jason Bond

      Awesome Kelvin, I’m very happy to hear that and thanks for saying so.


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