27 Dec

How To Make Money While You Sleep


Early this morning, while most people were asleep… Millionaire Roadmap clients and I were booking profits on Wall Street’s hottest performing stock. 

Sure, markets may be in turmoil…. But not all stocks are down…

You see, while the talking heads and other market pundits are trying to figure out what this market does next during these historically volatile times…

… I’ve been able to turn $100K into $340K over the last four months…

… from buying small-cap stocks.

My advice to you: Screw the noise.

You see, I don’t care what the markets are doing because I’m stock specific. In fact, I booked profits on the hottest stock in the market today.  But here’s the thing… I wasn’t chasing it this morning, I was actually in from the day before… and so were many of my clients in Millionaire Roadmap. 

Furthermore, I focus on profiting off stocks by using three stock patterns. Best of all, these patterns are scalable and repeatable – so the possibilities could be endless.

While the market remains bipolar, I’m sticking and moving… bobbing and weaving… and cashing in on high flying small-cap stocks.

I’m fairly liquid… if I don’t like what I see… I go to cash… I’m not here trying to build a portfolio and guess what the Fed, the President of the United States, or any other world leader wants to do the economy.

Instead, I’m scoping the markets for high-probability setups – trades that could generate 30%+ overnight.

Like these trades that I took profits on this morning.


Now, this wasn’t a lucky guess… In fact, I got involved in WATT because it was on my watchlist. You see, in my service, I create a watchlist that I send out to all my clients. That’s right, you get to see exactly what I’m looking at… BEFORE I enter the trade.

Or, if you want more information on how to get alerted to these trades, call (833)-265-1270 any time – you can tell them Jason sent you. 

Don’t Miss Out on Wall Street’s Next Top Performer

While investors were panicking this morning, trying to figure out if yesterday’s gains would stick…I was taking profits – locking in $10K over the past day and a half.

Two of those trades were Wall Street’s top performers!

Now, I wasn’t the only one in Millionaire Roadmap (MR) taking profits this morning…

Dec 27, 8:01 AM N.D.: @JB I got in WATT with you yesterday, nice trade +$1854day 2 at MRM, loving it

Dec 27, 8:03 AM P.R.: @JB +$1590 on WATT…very good morning, thank you

Dec 27, 9:30 AM K.R.: Made $5600 with WATT; beautiful JB!

That said, if you look at the screenshot above, you’ll see I also entered another overnight trade in APRN yesterday, again, from the watchlist that I send out to clients, BEFORE I entered the trade. And low and behold… APRN was another monster winner this morning.

Now, the day is still young, but if you look at my screen as I’m writing this… you’ll see I hit two of the hottest small-cap stocks in the entire stock universe today ( not too shabby when you consider there are over 2K publicly traded names between the NASD and NYSE… also, it’s not too shabby when you make money buying stocks when the market is selling off hard).  

I bought WATT in the mid $4 area yesterday…and the stock was up 95% at one point!

I believe I’ll have more trades like this in 2019.

Eat… Sleep… Trade…

Now, I know it takes a little time and effort to learn my strategies. That’s why I usually tell new clients to paper trade, watch and ask questions. You see, there are plenty of opportunities throughout the year, and some we’ll miss… but that’s okay.

Instead of celebrating these two monster winners… I’m got on the mic to discuss these trades with MR clients.

You know why?

Because patterns like these repeat themselves. So next time you see them… I don’t want you to wait for my signal… you will be ready to go on your own. Heck, that’s how all my millionaire students have done it. They took the baton and ran with it. 

The diary of a real $ trader,

Jason Bond


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