30 Apr

How To Swing Trade Demand Media (DMD) Stock


Demand Media Inc. (NYSE:DMD) almost went private last week for $1.2 billion, double Friday’s market cap of around $600 million. Demand Media walked away from the table when Boston-based Thomas H. Lee Partners had complications related to its financing and the ability to retain executives in its aftermath. More on this story can be read here at AllThingsD.

The significance of this news that made major headlines at MarketWatch and TheStreet.com is currently a 50% gap from Friday’s close. The significance for JasonBondPicks subscribers is a whole lot of money in the bank this morning because we’ve been in DMD for 2 weeks since I bought and alerted it on 4/16/12, only 1 of 2 stocks in my portfolio to start this week.

From here it’s safe to say DMD stock will trade between $10 and $14 and I’m in no rush to get out. It’s yet another solid swing trade score for my subscribers and I but I think this one goes higher still given my research and now this news, so I’ll just assess it as we go.

Bought and alerted on Monday 4/16/12 I’ll quote some material from my watch list.

My watch list notes from today…

DMD – 3,000 at $7.01 swing, currently $7.27. Earnings are now confirmed on 5/8/12 after the close and they smoked Wall Street last time. The chart is in an accumulation pattern much like RENN was before it broke out, traffic to eHow is up 10% in the last month and now the good news I’ve been preaching about is confirmed. I’ll try to get more shares if I can but not sure it’ll be possible, there is a very good chance we see $14 this week if not Monday so buckle up friends – we did it again!

My watch list notes from 4/23/12 – 4/27/12…

DMD – 3,000 at $7.01 swing, currently $7.01 (Updated daily). Earnings are now confirmed on 5/8/12 after the close and they smoked Wall Street last time. The chart is in an accumulation pattern much like RENN was before it broke out, traffic to eHow is up 10% in the last month and I think we’ll see good news or a solid earnings run in the coming weeks. I plan to buy at least 3,000 more shares on a break of break of $7.40 or a dip to $6.60.

My watch lists notes from 4/16/12 – 4/20/12…

DMD – 3,000 at $7.01, currently $7.05 (Updated daily). Earnings are about a month away on 5/17/12 and they smoke Wall Street last time. The chart is in an accumulation pattern much like RENN was before it broke out, traffic to eHow is up 10% in the last month and I think we’ll see good news or a solid earnings run in the coming weeks. I plan to buy at least 3,000 more shares on a break of break of $7.40 or a dip to $6.60.

About Demand Media

Demand Media, Inc. (NYSE: DMDNews) is a leading content and social media company that informs and entertains one of the Internet’s largest audiences, helps advertisers find innovative ways to engage with their customers and enables publishers to expand their online presence. Headquartered in Santa Monica, CA, Demand Media has offices in North America, South America and Europe. For more information about Demand Media, please visit www.demandmedia.com.


  1. sean

    I have to say you make some good picks but really contradict yourself alot..” From here it’s safe to say DMD will trade between $10 and $14 and I’m in no rush to get out.” Seriously..then hours later you sale @ $8.90 after your pump of $10-$14..no rush…please the reality is you have no clue where this stock will trade so dont proclaim your sure “it will” go $10-$14..your talk does not back your walk. You had a hardon for GLUU for forever and hit panic with your “goin cash” alert …like chicken little “the sky is fallin” sold GLUU for a loss right befor it went over $4.50…so..like I said lots of contradiction. I think its great when you call an LYSCF and all the cheerleaders come out with the pom poms ..I would rather see constant hits than an ocassional homerun..followed by several srtike outs…not everyone is as excited as your cheerleaders…$10-$14..huh..we shall see. Have a good week.

    • Jason Bond

      Sean, unfortunately what you fail to mention is I bought and alerted DMD at $7. When a company gets a $14 bid I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one on Wall Street who thought it would trade between $10 and $14 lol… wait, I’m not pretty sure I’m positive since the bid at 6 a.m. EST Monday morning was almost $11 and it was the #1 searched company on Google over the weekend ha.

      My guess is you are angry because you bought premarket at $10 when you should have been in the driver seat with me since the alert was at $7 two weeks ago. Regarding GLUU and LYSCF, grow up man… I made $44,000 in April swing trading – I’d say that’s pretty darn good… if you want to focus on the losers go right ahead… I’m done arguing with critics… but honestly, I didn’t know you had a 100% success rate?!

  2. BrianMeinhardt

    I believe in you JASON. 🙂
    Keep up the good work.

  3. John

    Jason don’t pay attention to losers, one thing is for sure you are a real person, you are doing a great job guiding people, and the best thing you respond to e mails even if the person is not a premium that says a lot about you keep it up , oustanding job, if we don’t make money in one out of ten that’s just how the market is.


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