23 Aug

How Wall Street Insiders Hide Their Trades


If you know anything about Wall Street insiders, they are privy to information we’re not. However, oftentimes, the information they get their hands on is considered “insider” information…


… and if the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) figure out they’re trading off that information… well, it’s illegal, and they could end up in jail.

Insider trading is simply using non-public material information to turn a profit, illegally.

Now, with insider trading, anyone with non-public information – like company executives, their friends, someone on the street who overheard a conversation about material information…

As long as the information isn’t publicly known, it can be considered illegal “insider trading”.

So how does the SEC monitor illegal insider trading activity?

Well, generally, they look at the trading volumes of any particular stock.

If a stock has unusually high volume with no news… it’s a red flag and the SEC investigates to see who is responsible for the buying.

Here’s how it works, let’s say before a company releases earnings, and someone in the company overhears a conversation between the CEO and CFO – indicating the company is going to cut its guidance…

If that employee shorts the stock… well, that’s considered insider trading and that’s illegal.

Sometimes, we’ll see large Wall Street firms take action as well. You see, everything is intertwined on the street… and it’s not just people in the company who can get flagged for insider trading…

The top 1% of the top 1% share tips with each other so they can turn massive profits and continue to build their wealth.

What does that mean for us?

Well, we’re at a “disadvantage” because they have the news ahead of time and know exactly where the stock could go.


With that being said, you might be wondering, Jason how are we ever supposed to make money when we’re always at a disadvantage and the big Wall Street firms know the news ahead of us?

You look to the options market.


Insiders Use Options to “Hide” Their Trades

The smart money has been using the options market for quite some time now to obscure their trades to avoid the consequences of insider trading…

… and they’ve gotten really good at it over the years.

You see, it’s a lot more difficult to find insider trading activity for the SEC when the smart money uses the options market.


To the SEC, options are complex financial instruments – something many find to be difficult…

… and that actually benefits us.


Well, if you understand how Unusual Options Activity works… you can take advantage of what insiders know, without putting yourself in jeopardy of being considered an inside trader.

You can get flagged for insider trading ONLY if you were privy to non-public information and traded off of it… but if you don’t know the information and simply trade a stock option… it’s not illegal.


You’re probably wondering, Jason how can we profit if we DON’T know the information ahead of time?

There is actually proprietary technology out there
 that let’s you spot Unusual Options Activity – large options bets that insiders are placing. Basically, if you see a massive options order go off in a stock, it’s a signal that someone knows something… and it’s time to get in…

… because chances are, those are insiders purchasing… and if you know anything about these insiders – they don’t like to lose.

That puts the edge back into your hands – allowing you to get inside the winner’s circle.

How exactly do you find these massive options bets being placed day in and day out?


WIth Kyle Dennis’ latest breakthrough Dollar Ace.

Dollar Ace
 lets him know exactly what the insiders are trading… WITHOUT knowing the news.

That’s right, it allows you to LEGALLY take advantage of insider trading.

But that’s not the best part…

… Dollar Ace primarily focuses on penny options – those trading under $1… and that means you get more bang for your buck – allowing you to produce massive returns with just a little bit of capital.

Not only that, because this strategy uses options – your risk is defined so it makes sizing your positions a lot easier.

If you want to understand the ins and outs of Dollar Ace and how it can provide you with more trades, higher returns and allow you to LEGALLY profit off “insider” trading…


… you’ll have to hear it from the horse’s mouth in the replay. Keep in mind, this page will be taken down very soonso don’t delay and click on the link below to watch Kyle show you how Dollar Ace can allow you to rake in massive profits week after week.



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