16 Mar

I Bought And Alerted NEOM At $.0158, It’s Up 235% Today, Were You With Me?


Yesterday I bought 400,000 shares of NeoMedia Technologies (OTCBB:NEOM) at $.0158 and alerted my premium subscribers to the trade. Below are their testimonials – look at their profits below.

Today NEOM is up well over 150% from my alert on millions of dollar volume again. A current chart shows it trading at $.051 right now.


Right now both my swing trade and day trade newsletter is sold out with close to 1,000 paid subscribers scoring huge wins over and over with me.

But there is a waiting list and we’ll open for enrollment April 1.

Look at what they’re saying about NEOM today.

Raphael: The NEOM alert came at the perfect time for me. Bought 125,000 shares at $.0159 and sold them at $.0363. Almost 130% on a single trade.This is insane. Got in with $2k and got out with $4.5k. As you always say, “you are as good as your last trade”. You nailed this one!!!!

David K: Bought $5,500 worth of NEOM at $.0176 yesterday, sold at$.03 this morning.  70% $3,850 profit. You rock!

John: Awesome trade… 500k at $.0165 and sold at $.023 or $3,250 profit

eliminate2: I’m all out of NEOM, gl to the rest, sitting on $1,450 profit, thanks JB

zsolt2026: NEOM out .03! Thanks JB!

Jared: Just wanted to say thank you for the great alert on NEOM. Sold for $1,018.58 or 66%. Not bad for two days work.

buymore: thanks J $1,000 gain on NEOM

blarson: Thanks, Jason – $867 profit

Nancyjay: stopped out NEOM at .0378. $1,340 gain! THANK YOU JB!

Moving forward NEOM has resistance at $.05 and $.07 before it could test $.10.

Again, there is a waiting list though and we’ll open enrollment April 1 to a limited number of clients so be sure to get your email in there.

Keep in mind these are all 3rd party verified trade alerts.

For example, on 3/8/12 I bought 110,000 shares of the SNPK pump at $.38 and alerted subscribers for a nice $10,000 win the next day. SNPK is still up almost 100% since that alert.


And just the week before on 3/1/12 I bought 3,000 shares of JVA at $8.21 and alerted subscribers we’d swing long into earnings – take a look at JVA here – not bad right? Seriously, JVA is up almost 100% since that alert too and it’s a REAL company.


Get on my waiting list today and look for the invite April 1st


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