26 Jul

I Haven’t Been The Biggest “JB” Fan


“I haven’t been the biggest “JB” fan as he and I had previously discussed on one of his daily watch lists.

I briefly shared a recent experience because I believe more important than his recommendations are his lessons and ongoing discussion of both his successes and failures.

For the first few months I continued to make small gains and losses.  I wasn’t going anywhere and my account slowly started to decrease after a few unfortunate losses. 

Jason makes bad trades- fortunately fewer than his good ones. Take the time to listen to the lessons.  Sign-up for emails and TEXT message alerts but watch from the sidelines.  Everyone makes mistakes and as you review the lessons he will have likely mentioned ALL of them. 

I have to take responsibility some of the mistakes that contributed to my dissatisfaction in the beginning as well.  I was not a new investor, but I was inexperienced. In my excitement I needed to exit several trades to free funds so I could begin.  This contributed to my dissatisfaction.  I became overly excited and started trading before I had reviewed the provided video lessons (well worth the membership cost). 

Next I submitted my email and phone number immediately so that I could start trading while I worked full time.  Simple enough? I soon learned what It meant to be chasing stocks which resulted in poor entries, limited returns and losses (all covered in the lessons).

His lessons, open discussions and ongoing self-analysis has taught me how to be an independent investor and trader. I have since made several small great trades that were not on his list but recently I made 31% after protecting my gains with $HIMX.

I found this trade by making a continuation screen on Stockcharts.com. They appeared to be short term oversold after a share offering with a bullish candle over candle. I entered the trade after searching all the news and possible catalyst. I was quickly stopped out; however, I remained interested and entered the position on confirmed support. saving 5% with the stop loss and made 31% on news of Google new 6% $HIMX position in 5 days. Buy the rumor and sell the news with a good technical set-up. Excellent Trade. Thank you for the education.”

~ Jamison G.


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