22 Mar

I Just Added …


As most of you know, I picked up a decent size position in COOL on Friday at $2.46 and indicated I would buy more if it dipped in the $2.20’s. Well, I am not sure we’ll see the $2.20’s so I just added 2,500 shares at $2.30 leaving me with 7,500 shares now. I’ll grab one more block if it hits $2.25 and then play it from there. My goal remains the same, so long as COOL remains at this range it’s likely to breakout in the short-term. Could be over a week or more, but I have no reason to give up on this trade just yet as it consolidates at this new $2.00 price range. If you want an example here, take a look at my USAT alert at $1.04, very similar type of play except I think COOL has another pop in it.


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