16 Jul

I Just Made $12,230


Back on June 26, sadly, I exposed myself.

1,201 people Facebook liked it – I guess it pays to be honest.

Since that June 26 blog post I’ve made 13 trades. 11 wins and 2 losses.

Profit of $12,230 or $4,076 a week since being exposed. Not bad right?

Did you know my service fee is about $3 a day, less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Today is day 197 this year. A service fee of $591 to date.

My real time trade alerts have made me $110,179 profit in 2013.

197 days into this year and I’m making $559 A DAY, literally what I’ve charged clients so far THIS YEAR.

I’m no Vanderbilt, but this train makes hay!

It’s not about getting rich, it’s about the FREEDOM it affords the winners.

join jason nowMaybe that means a day off work doing nothing but watching movies in pajamas or a happier happy hour on Friday’s.

Heck, I’ve had hundreds of clients say they now look forward to Monday’s for the first time ever.

So stop procrastinating, take control of your portfolio and join Jason Bond Picks.

For $3 a day and some paper trading, what do you have to lose?


Thanks for all your help. Out GEVO last week plus $6,700 and out today of NUGT $4,870. Best month ever! Hoping things are turning in the right direction. Have spent a lot of time in another service that just frustrated me. Your service is great.  Your teaching direction is exactly what I needed as well as your standards for the chat room.  All positive which is what we all need fighting the market beast!  Thanks again and looking forward to a long relationship.

 ~ Michael S.


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