24 Mar

I Love Penny Stocks; 2 More Updates Inside


I don’t know what else to say, it’s just one of those days where you gotta love being a trader.

The squeeze on COOL this morning was not only awesome, but it was predictable! If you’re new, the history of this trade is one you should go back and read because I’ll be doing it again and again and again.

This is why I love penny stocks! Sold roughly half my position, 4,000 shares, at $2.59 and will hold onto the other 4,500 shares for now to see if it can bust that $2.60 range this afternoon.

FASV was just a boring trade for me to be in so I sold an took a small profits at $1.14. I am not looking to hold these stocks for weeks at a time to make the cheese if they aren’t moving. There are tons of other great plays out there, so I wanted to free that cash up to find a better home. If you’re in it still, it’s moving up right now, current ask is $1.17 so good job.

Jason Bond


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