27 Aug

Integrity And A Strong Work Ethic


“Jay. A special word of thanks. Greetings from a relatively new client!

I want you to know how deeply I and my family appreciate what you’re doing for us. I am 52 years old, my wife is…well, that’s a secret, I suppose. I’ve been married 26 years (in a row!) to the same lady. We’ve gone through more than our share of good and tough times, but through it all we’ve stuck together.

Like you, I’m a former public school teacher. I taught in an inner city high school on the outskirts of Atlanta. While I was certified in business education, my real love was teaching character education to my students. I see that same commitment to character in you. Thanks.

My wife is a former public school teacher as well. She taught Regular Ed, Special Ed and Gifted for 16 years. Several years ago, she left in order to home school our two wonderful daughters. It came at a great price, however, as we drove old clunky cars, rarely had a vacation, and were unable to save even one red cent for retirement. After seeing how great they turned out, however, I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

Earlier this year I received a small inheritance. Not nearly enough to retire on, but with the right plan and enough time, we’ve got a shot. I spent months researching my options and even tried out a few. In the end, I chose you. Two days later I bought LEE on your recommendation and immediately earned back the entire cost of your three month subscription. The next day, I doubled it! Of course, I know it won’t always be that good, but the more I learn about your investment strategy, the more convinced I am that I made the right choice.

You and I actually have a lot in common. Teaching…men of integrity…a strong work ethic, and, I believe, a love for wife and family. Please forgive me as I offer very small bit of advice: No matter how successful you are professionally, never allow your business to take precedence over your family life. One of the greatest lessons I learned…one that kept mine together…was keeping those priorities straight. (I hope this past weekend on the lake with your family was a great one.)

Of course, I’m not talking about equal time, but do take time away from this business in order to keep your life in balance and your batteries fresh. I say that because something you said last week, that Friday was the first day off you’ve had all summer. You were probably the only person on the call who could say that. All of us, myself especially, need you here…not every day, but for many years to come.

join now largeTake care and God bless.

Warm regards.”

~ Ron R.


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