1 Dec

Is A YHOO Buyout Just Another Grimm’s Fairy Tale?


How many times are we going to see headlines like this about Yahoo Inc. (NASDAQ:YHOO) laugh out loud?!!!

Reports: Blackstone, Bain mulling joint Yahoo bid

YHOO Up 5%: Alibaba Might Offer $20/Sh, Says Bloomberg

Alibaba seen ready to trump Yahoo bidders

As a swing trader I love stories like this and I’m constantly hunting for them to build wealth in my account.

I’ve gamed the YHOO buyout hype before because like all good fairy tales by the Grimm Brothers it attracts a ton of readers but NEVER COMES TRUE ha!!!

Seriously how many times have we been down this road with YHOO? Yes maybe it will come true eventually but swinging the hype can make you more money than buying and holding the first time it was reported.

You’re crazy if you don’t see how Wall Street is one big pump and dump and EVERYONE is in on it.

I told you on Halloween this would happen again. Wall Street likes stories and big media needs them to attract readers and make money.

Like a first grade teacher with her students huddled up tight listening to some of Grimm’s best fairy tales I can see traders starring at their Etrade platforms believing every word.

Again, what do I care if it’s true or not though, I’m just a swing trader looking for stories like this to make money over and over and over.

Here’s a blog post and trade I did the last time YHOO was making headlines like this.

So anyway, while YHOO’s market cap of $20 billion doesn’t fit my new swing trade target $100 – $300 million… I want you to understand stories like this are great for short term longs and then when it fades which it will you short the heck out of all the disappointed kids who just found out Santa doesn’t exist.


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