27 Jan

It’s So Easy, Even A Cave Man Can Do It


My goal is to make +$50,000 yearly swing trading part time, while teaching clients full time. Last year I made +$240,000. This year I’m on pace to make +$70,000.

Jason Bond Picks will teach you how to make money swing trading without being chained to your computer all day.

I get hundreds of emails asking, “What do the real time email alerts look like?”

Here’s EXACTLY what my paid member alerts look like.

See how I made +21% +$3,300 on one of my real time swing trade alerts and then turned right around and did it again +10% +$1,600. 

Small Investment, BIG Potential Payoff. Click Here.

Email BUY Alert Friday 11/14/14

“Hello Again!

Bought 10,000 BDR @ $1.61.

bdr buyNot my typical trade, but this one deserves our attention today.  Super small company with a sub-$10M market cap announces BIG earnings today (read it HERE).  I know it is up over 20% already, but this really has a lot of room to run higher.

Lots of froth this morning on it and has now settled down.  I really like it at this $1.60 range.  Might end up being a quick daytrade if the stock takes off as the day goes on however.

Your Swing Trader,

Jason Bond”

Email SELL Alert Friday 11/14/14


Sold 5,000 BDR @ $1.84.  14%+ gain in about 20 minutes.

bdr buyWhat a quick score on BDR!  I absolutely nailed the bottom and had to take some off the table on this run higher.  Still holding the remaining half of BDR for a run over $2 now, but an absolutely awesome score for everyone on an early Friday morning!

Told you this might turn into a daytrade if it really took off, now let’s shoot for $2!!!

Still in HDYLITB and SIMG into the afternoon as well. Really liking how SIMG continues to march higher for us… it might get real exciting soon!

Your Swing Trader,

Jason Bond”

Email SELL Alert Tuesday 11/18/14


bdr sellSold remaining 5,000 BDR at $2.03 +26% into this $2.19 explosion. Looks like it’ll keep running but I’ve hit my target.

I made +$1,200 selling half on Friday +14% and another +$2,100 today selling my remaining position +26% for a total profit of +$3,300. More importantly, look at these big wins!

“Sold my BDR swing for +$.45 / share.” ~ Howard M.

“Thanks JB! In $BDR at $1.61 on your swing alert last week. Out today at $1.94 +20%.” ~ Anthony M.

“Out of BDR for +$.30 / share on the swing, thanks JB.” ~ Dario H.

“Sold BDR at $2.05 for +$.25 / share, thanks JB.” ~ Jason E.

“JB I swung BDR from a few days ago and just made +30%, thanks.” ~ Vinit D.

Your Swing Trader,

Jason Bond”


Email BUY Alert Tuesday 11/18/14

“Good Afternoon!

bdr sellBe real cautious with these 3x leveraged plays.

I bought 1,000 JDST at $14.90 as a starter. I’m planning on adding 1,000 shares Wednesday. I think the miners might crack today instead of tomorrow which is why I’m scaling in now.

Small position but this thing can move a lot % wise.

Your Swing Trader,

Jason Bond”

Email SELL Alert Wednesday 11/19/14


jdst sellNice swing on JDST. Pulled my bid to add shares and sold all of my position +10% at $16.40.

Might go higher but overnight 10% trades are trades I love to lock in. About +$1,600 profit there. I love getting these emails, keep them coming!

“Good morning Jason. Just a quick note to say thank-you. I took a small position on JDST yesterday and woke up this morning with a weeks pay in my account. This service helps me to live a very independent lifestyle. I mean, it’s 6:37am and I’m pretty much done for the day, if that’s the way I want to go. So yes, thank-you.” ~ Sean M.

Your Swing Trader,

Jason Bond”

Sign up for Jason Bond Picks today and I’ll teach you how I’ve made more money in the last few years swing trading part time than in 10 years as a NYS public schools teacher.

jason bond picks copy


  1. George Boyle

    I had no idea what your strategy was and how much money you could make. Most advertisements are to get your subscription money and once you are in the trades are duds.

    I would like to know more about how much money you use daily in your trades? I will now do more research on your subscription offering before I committ. Thank you.

    • Jason Bond

      I’m here daily doing my job George. I certainly make money selling my service, no different than when I made money selling my service as a NYS public schools teacher for 10 years. I was a good NYS public schools teacher so my fee to teach was a benefit to kids. I am a good teacher of stocks too, so my fee for service, hopefully, will be a good fit for you too. I trade about $15,000 – $30,000 in a swing looking for about +10% profit or +$1,500 – +$3,000 on winners. My goal is between +$50,000 or better in swing trade profits yearly doing this part time. It works well for a lot of people, I have well over 2,000 clients and won’t be long before that’s 3,000. We cater to full time traders too, as seen here http://www.jasonbondpicks.com/quick-start-guide. Here’s a good blog on our LifeStyle Trading, it’s VERY popular for busy professionals and compliments the swing quite nicely http://www.jasonbondpicks.com/blog-posts/introducing-lifestyle-trading – I’ll be doing an update on that soon – the testimonials are through the roof. Let me bet clear, this is NOT a get rich quick scheme, we’re just trying to win consistently and improve lifestyle doing so.

  2. brian

    Jason is a good teacher and mentor, if you’re losing money or thinking about to start trading, go with him to get your foot in the door, I’m an ex-subscriber and enjoyed it but had to leave due to military fulfillment.

    • Jason Bond

      Thanks for saying so Brian and thanks for serving our country. We look forward to your return to the newsletter in the future. Keep in touch.


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