1 Apr

Lesson 4: Scanning For Oversold, Continuation And Breakout Pending Charts


Day and swing trading starts with finding good chart setups and then looking for solid catalysts that could take them higher or lower. The target market cap is $100 million to $2 billion with a Beat of 1 or higher. Liquidity is a must so $500,000 in dollar volume or more is good. Finally, a history of making sizable runs for $1 to $3 per share owned is desirable.

StockCharts.com Scan Criteria Oversold: [type = stock] and [country = us] and [daily sma(20,daily volume) > 100000] and [RSI (14) > 10.0] and [RSI (14) < 30.0] and [Low > .25] and [High < 10] and [market cap > 100] and [market cap < 2,000]

StockCharts.com Scan Criteria Continuation: [type = stock] and [country = us] and [daily sma(20,daily volume) > 200000] and [RSI (14) > 50.0] and [RSI (14) < 70.0] and [Low > .25] and [High < 10] and [market cap > 100] and [market cap < 2,000]

1. Expand 2. Play 3. Select 1080p for HD


  1. Nancy

    Hi Jason,

    Do you still use stockcharts.com? I noticed this post is from 2012

    • Jason Bond


  2. Anthony Manzella

    Hi Jason,
    Since you only play Oversold and Continuation Patterns how do you scan and maintain your watchlist on Etrade? I’ve copied the Oversold and Continuation expressions into Stock Charts but haven’t figured out how to get them into Etrade. BTW, you’re a great teacher. I’ve been studying your material since Saturday, and have learned more in the last 4 days than I’ve been able to learn from others in months. Think I will be ready to start trading real money in a few weeks.

    • Jason Bond

      I actually use Finviz for that nowadays, there’s a lesson called Swing Trade Scanning Made Simple in the Pro DVD. I add tickers from EquityFeed too, the MarketView seen in chat.


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