8 Dec

Live Updates For Thursday December 8, 2011


U.S. stock futures traded in a narrow range Thursday after the European Central Bank lowered interest rates. Investors also awaited a crucial summit of European Union leaders that will address the euro-zone debt crisis. Personally right now I’m bullish on today’s session into tomorrow so please expect swing trade alerts today. Possible a day trade too if I think it’s more than an hour or two hold.

Video – THQI and CEDC, both downgraded the day after my entry. In almost 400 trades (Video says 500 but I just checked, it’s 400) I’ve never been in a downgrade before so 2 in the last week is a bit of back luck. This video provides a very good lesson on what to do next time we’re winning a trade like CEDC and THQI and they get downgrade. CEDC climbs and THQI does not, please watch it, lots to learn here.

USAT – boring, boring, boring! I’d sell but I can’t just give away $4,000 cause I’m bored. If it breaks $1 strong then I’m out. Otherwise I’m holding for $1.60.

LOCM – same old story here, like to see it continue to creep and it’s important we get over $2.40 soon or $2.00 support will likely be tested again. Goal remains $2.70.

HKN – same again, nothing to report just hold $2.60 and I’m in for the next phase up. If it breaks to the downside I’ll close it out.

PLUG – I think PLUG want’s to test $2.60 which is why I bought $2.32 – tight stop in the $2.20’s though… no more big losses for me.



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