31 Jan

Mastermind With Millionaire Trader Petra Hess



I have been trading since 2009 and became what I would consider a consistent trader in 2012. My broker lost over 50% of my portfolio during the financial crisis and that prompted me to start trading. I trade both Canada and the U.S. and since joining up with JB I have made $900,000.00 on the US side in my swing trading account. That would be the account where what he teaches would be used the most. I have 7 other accounts that I trade 2 more US and 6 Canadian. My overall return last year combining all my accounts was 43%.

I have been an entrepreneur since I graduated from high school. I started as a blacksmith which led to a career as a horse trainer in Italy in the early 80’s. I am a 3 time European Champion in Western Riding. When I was training horses my employers and their friends were buying horses from North America and importing them. I got the idea to switch from training and come back to Canada and sell horses. I built a very successful business quickly and was a millionaire when I was 25 that was 1983. I exported close to 3000 horses and was the only woman in North America doing anything like that at the time. When this fad was over I got on the start up of the Ostrich craze in Canada and I built an ostrich boarding facility and had a transport company for exotic livestock. At its peak I had close to 2000 Ostrich in my care. When this fad was over I bought into a failing Personal Care Product Company and put in 120 hour weeks to turn it around and we eventually sold on Shopping Channels in Canada, the U.S. and Europe. I also got involved with numerous infomercial products during that time. I liked business’s that feed the fad rather then being a buyer of the fad. It is Just like selling your stock into a spike instead of being the buyer of the spike. Today I am a partner in 3 companies with my brother and nephew. We own an ISP Silo Wireless, a tower and cable company called Verticomm Networks and we just started a fibre to home business called SiloFibe. One opportunity led to another and I believe that everyone gets doors of opportunity in their life. It is whether you choose to open that door that makes the difference. I always chose to open the doors others would not touch and it has given me this incredible, brilliant life that just continues to provide me with endless opportunities.

Let me know if you need more information.




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