20 Apr

Meet & Greet Saturday April 21 @ 10 a.m. EST


Meet & Greet in my private chat room Saturday April 21st at 10 a.m. EST.

The link & password will be emailed to you in the morning about 1 hour before the event. I’ll will show you my system & answer questions.

Did you see my LQMT premium alert this week?! Look at the money my family made.

Wednesday I bought and alerted LQMT at $.209, I’ve cashed in close to $20,000 just 3 days later and it’s not the first time I’ve done it with LQMT. I still have free shares too.

Thanks to u Jason I can take my girlfriend to a nice steak in NYC with my $15,000 in profit yea baby. ~ Angel

I made over $5,000 on LQMT in less then one week trading and learning with Jason Bond! ~ Ryan

Followed you into LQMT, in at .22 out today .435!!! For me that was $3,140…that is absolutely nuts! I’d treat if I was in NY. ~ Joe

JB WOW an incredible alert on LQMT – bought 25k shares at .225 and set my sell at .41 and BAM a $4,625 profit TX! ~ Rick

Held LQMT for another day because of your confidence. Sold .418 today for a profit of 86% or $3,266. You made my day! ~ David


More huge winners on LQMT!

Tomorrow after the Meet & Greet I’ll do a blog highlighting more winners!

Or click on the red button below to join my family now.


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