26 Apr

Monday April 27, 2015


BTU – Best of breed. Low-cost coal powers more than 3/4 of China’s electricity needs. Peabody is well positioned to serve China and other high-growth demand centers in the Pacific Rim. I also like coal stocks into the 2016 presidential election – look for candidates worthy of their party’s nomination to launch their campaigns in the next month or 2. Shares are close to oversold here, I’ll look to bid a starter position on the next drop into oversold.

LQMT – Story stock. Runs big 2 – 3 times a year, usually into Apple events. Rumors suggest 2 – 3 new iPhones will be launched this year. The iPhone 7 is said to be 60% stronger than the iPhone 6. I’ll start bidding a starter position at $.13 this week. There’s not many OTCBB stocks I’ll trade nowadays, but this one is pretty reliable.

GLUU – Best of breed. Earnings are coming up this week. It’s been a quiet quarter for Glu Mobile so if they miss and shares drop, I’m looking for a starter position once the RSI is into oversold. The company has a stockpile of cash and a big hit looming with star Katy Perry.



  1. yankeegank

    ahhh thank you!

  2. bblight

    i have a good feeling about this new service J B lets get at it

  3. wayne

    Jason/Luke, Looking forward to nice returns overtime.

  4. yankeegank

    got to say you didn’t alert a buy but just keeping these on wl and watching chart made some bucks thanks! Gluu monster!


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