15 Aug

Monday August 15, 2011


Since my portfolio seen here doesn’t list shorts, I’ll be using the top portion of this ‘LIVE Updates’ section to communicate those first until I find a better solution. Below the shorts I’ll provide my day-to-day current thoughts on my longs.

Short 3k JBII at $2.24. Goal $1.50. Multiple law suits filed recently against the company, a SEC Wells notice in addition to a small pop on what would be considered an excellent PR leads me to believe this will continue to fall before it heads up. Risk includes massive message board support and chance or positive earnings due soon. Small position as a result, I’ll add more short into any major bad press.

OXGN is hanging around so I’m still holding a tiny position. So long as it trades sideways, I’ll wait for a good PR and volume to take profit on this swing trade.

Still waiting for GRHU to pick up and I’m feeling good about my position at $.81 because it appears to be support. This stock has a tiny market cap under $20 million and can fly when it gets volume, hopefully this is support. Short term hold.


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