18 Jul

Monday July 18, 2011


5k MCZ at $1.46, current $1.45, goal $1.61, stop $1.40. Update – sold 5k on Friday when I wasn’t sure if support was going to hold. There were buyers in the $1.38 range which is why I held 5k shares. Earnings are coming up on 8/1/11 so I’m still hoping for some run up here.

10k PPRTF at $.60, current $.605, goal $.70, stop $.50. This was a bid buy, meaning there isn’t a lot of volume right now.

Short 20k POTG at $.80, current $.77, goal $.40. I was down $2k here, then up $1k, but I’m looking for a big gain on this trade. My broker did say I might be bought in this morning so we’ll see. I’ve been trying to add 30k shares since last Tuesday but finding shares is very difficult since so many are banking on this stocks collapse.




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