6 Jul

Monday July 6, 2015


Good morning.

I hope you have a wonderful long weekend. The portfolio has been performing well of late with 3 wins in a row.

Friday I picked up some JNUG to go with LQMT and FNMA.

Of the group, I expect FNMA to be my longest hold, this Motley Fool article does a good job of detailing why I like it.

LQMT continues to consolidate above $.13 and has solid long term potential now that Apple extended their license.

JNUG is my play on gold bouncing and wouldn’t mind buying more shares above $15 this week, if it comes in before heading up.

Markets continue to be volatile as the situation in Greece unfolds. This pullback should present some good longer term entries once it settles.

I’m not looking to add too many positions this week but there is one I really like.

HOTR – I put this on my swing scan this morning but honestly like it better for a long term trade. With a consensus price target of $4.98 there’s double potential for this growth story. I’m looking to start accumulating shares above $2 soon as it’s settling into oversold.

Your Long Term Trader,

Jason Bond


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