28 Mar

Monday March 28, 2016


Good morning.

As you know the market wasn’t desirable for long term holds to start the year so I opted to play it safe. But that time has passed and I now expect to be very active in my research, my trading and video lessons.

So let’s get right now to business.

I just bought 3,000 TRIL at $8.71 and 5,000 ELMD at $3.72. I like TRIL to $12 and ELMD to the middle $4’s. Hold times on these stocks could range from a few weeks to a few months. However, if we ever get 20%+ overnight we’ll cash it it.

I’ll be in touch later today with more details on these trade ideas, a master watch list of stocks and much more coming your way soon.

This newsletter is +$20,000 since inception late 2015, has been quiet for a few months but is ready for a massive shift in direction. If you love swing trades that play out over weeks and months you’re going to want to start dialing in here.

Again, I’ll be in touch later tonight with more details. Thanks for your patience. Now get ready to go.

Jason Bond


  1. 70ng

    Hello, I just saw that you bought SIEN in the Master Watch List, but I did not get any mail of the purchase. Am I going to get one in the future?

    • Jason Bond

      That’s a master watch list, those are alerts.

  2. 70ng

    Ok, so there are no alert in the future for buying or selling, I just have to look at the Master Watch List all the time?

    • Jason Bond

      No, there’s still a weekly watch list and real time alerts. This is just a master of about 20 or so stocks I’m watching to buy. Make sense?

  3. 70ng

    Thanks – sorry I still did not get it 🙁 So, you did not buy SIEN today or is it just so new and you have to set it up, so that I will get an alert in the future when you sell or buy a stock on this list?

    • Jason Bond

      In my E*TRADE Pro right now I have about 150 stocks in my watch list. This is called a master watch list. I track them for buys, news etc. So I’m creating a small master watch list of stocks for you, my client, so you know what I’m likely to buy in the coming weeks. So there will be maybe 20 on the list. Then each week I’ll do a weekly watch list narrowing it down to 3-5 I’m going to probably buy. Then when I buy, I’ll alert. Make sense?

  4. 70ng

    Oh, Ok. No I understand. But it is still confusing that in the Master Watch List there is SIEN with Last Trade and an amount; thats why I thought you actually bought SIEN.

    • Jason Bond

      Looks like the data feed is down so it’s confusing right now – we’re working on it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.


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