10 Oct

Monday October 10, 2011


I’ve been slammed working on our new website and didn’t trust the market last week which is why there were no swing trades after our big wins on YHOO, NVDA, COOL and others.

I did scalp S in chat for a solid $2,000 win, as did other chatters and am looking forward to swing trading again this week. I’ll have a new watch list out tonight by email.

I lost on the OPTT short, but it’s breaking today if you held. I don’t like holding shorts over the weekend usually so I took the loss and will short again later on any spikes.

Right now I’m short 9,950 shares of LSTG, a known pump and trying to game a collapse. The fee for holding this shares is already over $250 so I need this to happen sooner versus later. I might add another 10k shares this week.

Other than that I’m all cash and on the hunt.

Oh ya, we’re beta testing the new chat we’ve discussed… this has not been opened up to the masses yet, so check it out today. You’ll need to register here, free and takes 1 minute at most. Then login to chat and we’ll see if there are any bugs. I’d appreciate your help with this. While testing this chat, we won’t use the private chat, too hard to be in both places at once. Eventually we’ll have our own private room in this chat at SMW.



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